Frappuccino Friday

As I'm sitting back drinking my Mocha Frappuccino, I'm thinking we really need more classes and I'm also thinking how long have I been mispelling Frappuccino (I think since I began this - what a dork! and I used to be an English & Reading teacher). Anyway we need to celebrate this month. We have been open close to a year - our first anniversary is June 23rd.

So here's what we haven't done:
1.) haven't pulled our hair out
2.) haven't lost any hair
3.) Kelly nor I have hurt each other in any illegal way LOL
4.) haven't lost hope in this crazy idea for our store to be fantabulous!
5.) haven't shut the doors

But here's we what have done:
1.) made some really awesome BFF's out of customers
2.) met the most talented people in the industry
3.) got to explore some really beautiful states on business trips
4.) learned that business is not just business
5.) gave a community a new look at crafts

How exciting is that?! So in honor of this wonderful month of June we have lots of stuff going on, be sure to check out our calendar at the bottom of this blog. We want you to celebrate with us! Soon, pics will be up of the projects & layouts, as well as more info on the Kids Gone Crafty Camp.

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, June 4th - Scrappin' 101 1pm & 6pm
Thursday, June 5th - Mad for Grads 1pm
Friday, June 6th - Stamp a Stack Pizza & Slumber Party 6pm
Tuesday, June 11th - Father Knows Best 1pm
Wednesday, June 11th - Cardstock Creations 1pm
Friday & Saturday, June 13th & 14th - Closed

Tippin' Thursday

Tip of the day: When I get stumped on journaling, I sometimes like to make a list of top 10 or top 5. This helps break down the journaling and makes a really cute page. Here's a great sample:

Layout by Nicole Hinrichs
Just an update, due to time, place, & other circumstances our Kids Gone Crafty (5-9) will now be mixed with (9-12). We will have plenty of help around for the camp to manage them all. I will update later this afternoon on the Kids Gone Crafty Camp Activities, some other things for Girls Gone Crafty and put up the June Calendar. We have been super busy. And I'm just realizing now that my Wacky Wednesday Post is gone - and it was a great post. I'll have to go searching AGAIN!

Techie Tuesday

Though a lot of people are afraid to make the digi jump, most just don't want to because of how time consuming it seems to be. Yet once you learn a few tricks in Photoshop, it's actually quite easy. Brushes as you will soon see are so versatile and they make lovely accents, stamps, etc.

You can access several brushes online for free or at a small cost. My fave site Polka Dot Potato. Once you have brushes downloaded to your computer, click the arrow on the brushes palette and choose load brushes from the fly out menu. This will open a new window that allows you to navigate to the location where you saved the brushes on your hard drive. Once you've decided on a brush you want to use, you can use the brush tip shape window of the brushes palette to change the size or angle of the brush. Make sure your background layer is highlighted in the layers palette and simply "stamp" your brush by clicking the mouse.

Good Luck and if anyone has any questions feel free to comment here or email me.

Motivating Monday

Sorry I've been missing in action, but I have a good excuse I promise! Really I do!
I challenged myself to enter into a contest and not just any ol' contest. Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooker of the Year Contest and the layouts were due this week. I was trying hard to just complete them so I could get back to the """NORM""". And I did it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I didn't give up, I just thought to myself there is no harm in trying and after I'm done I'll have 20 of my best to cherish and keep forever. I find out at the end of June if I'm a finalist, so wish me luck.

So to motivate you, one of the things I discovered while doing these layouts, is that I had plenty of undeveloped film and digital pics. I thought to myself that as much as I like to take the photos I've been using for layouts I needed to print out all of them and really get a system going on how I would be putting them altogether.

My challenge: Go out to your computers or cameras and take a stand against undeveloped pictures and come back to the Scrap Boutique feeling refreshed with a newfound inspiration. Now I just wish I could do this to my upper torso.

Techie Tuesday

I was playing around with a few lo's recently and discovered crackle paint. I know it's like I'm Jacques Cousteau or something. Crackle has been around for awhile, yet I'm just starting to play with it on lo's. I've used it like you would normally on paint, but then I tried it on glimmer mist, then on top of grungeboard with glossy accents, then I went another go at it and put clear crackle, let it dry, then dyed the crackle with alcohol ink. Talk about cool effects.

So we finally have more albums from American Crafts, both canvas & leather, and 12x12 & 6x6.

Our Crop-a-rita has been changed from the 30th to the 23rd, so if you have already signed up and can't come please let us know, otherwise I will just transfer the names.

Memorial Day we will be open and will be having a sale.

Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly. deadline is coming soon June 11th.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:
June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds
July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds
July 14-18 12-17 year olds
more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:
Crop-a-rita - Friday, May 23rd 7PM

Motivating Monday

Wow, the weeks are flying by. Our event will be here before you know it. We have a few new items in the store. More to come soon.

Most of the time, especially those moms out there, we scrap about others. Putting our story to the wayside. We end up never scrapbooking about ourselves, our journey, things that bother us, or things that bring us joy. I want you to take a moment and think of who you are at this time in your life and scrap about it, tell your story. You might say, "no one is going to be interested in that", but you'll be surprised about how many people actually read biographies over picture books. Which is similar to what we are speaking of here, except with a few more embellishements. People are naturally nosy and love to read about someone's life. So make it interesting, add a few descriptive lines, a quote, or just put on some music and start writing about anything you like. Who knows you better than you - Your Life According to You!

This came from another wonderful customer of ours, Mary, who shared a picture of her creative space, I love the clear compartments. Mine are not clear so it kind of requires me to dig through. This idea is great, b/c it saves on a lot of wasted creative time.

Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly.

Remember deadline is coming soon June 11th.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:

June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds
July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds
July 14-18 12-17 year olds

more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:

Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM (class is filling up fast)
Crop-a-rita - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Frappachino Friday

You might have seen this on an email somewhere, but I just thought it was so appropriate for our Frappachino Friday:

A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up, She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ' Tell me what you see.'

'Carrots, eggs, and coffee,' she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, 'What does it mean, mother?'

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

'Which are you?' she asked her daughter. 'When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst , you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly. Remember deadline is coming soon June 11th.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:
June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds
July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds
July 14-18 12-17 year olds
more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:
Pajama Party Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM
Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM
Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM
Crop-a-rita - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Tippin' Thursday or a Tale of Terror

Once upon a time there was a lady who appeared at The Scrap Boutique after a long journey from work to hopefully end her day scrapbooking the night away. She began nipping, tucking, cutting, & adhering all in her reach until she came upon a terrible sight. Bubbles, and no not the sweet beautiful kind from a newborn's mouth or the wispy, fun ones blown from children all around. She came across a dilemma and turned to the clerk distressed, "Whatever shall I do I have bubbles on my letters where the diamond glaze* lays." The clerk seeing the damsel in distress rode in with a needle in hand and popped all the bubbles away. The clerk then warned the damsel that the next time she used this glaze that she not shake it, let it settle and turn it over to let it flow freely. And the damsel and her diamond glaze lived happily ever after.

*reference: Diamond Glaze by Judikins or Glossy Accents both are dimensional adhesive used to give an epoxy look to items on page.

Techie Tuesday

I love hiding something on my page. It just makes it a little more fun and interesting for the person who might go through my pages later in life and make the discovery of the hidden journaling or picture. It's also a great way to hide journaling from the everyday person, things that you might not want them to see. Or a way of adding all those photos you might not have room for on the page. Here are a few samples that I have done, see if you can find the hidden journaling or picture (without me showing or telling you):

Okay, you wouldn't learn anything if I didn't show you. LOL

For the first one, there's a handmade book attached with photos inside. On the second you lift the arrow & ribbon and journaling is revealed beneath the photo and frame.

Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly. Remember deadline is coming soon June 11th.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:

June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds

July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds

July 14-18 12-17 year olds

more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:

Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM

Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM

Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM

Crop Night - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Motivating Monday

Ugh! Mondays can be a drag and Blogger too. I do apologize to those subscribing to this blog who are getting posts late and are receiving double emails.

Anywhooo, I organized my craft area a little more this weekend and I will post a picture soon, but in the meantime I'm sharing with you a photo of a customer of ours neat idea for storage.
She bought this plastic basket from Big Lots for $5 that you would normally store plates, forks, etc.
Great Find Nicole!
If anyone else has gotten into the organizing groove as well or just wants to show off their craft spot or some cool nifty way to store stuff, email me @ a picture and win some scrappy stuff.

Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:

June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds

July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds

July 14-18 12-17 year olds

more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:

Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM

Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM

Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM

Crop Night - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Frappachino Friday

I sure could use some hopefully Mother's Day brings some frappachinos my way. Coffee relaxes & rejuvanates me as crazy as that may seem. That caffeine kick is just enough to pull me through the day, hey at least it's better than cocaine.

So, everyone knows I'm loving the green movement like I talk about it every week, but I actually plan on taking a break from the making something new out of my old clothes and I might just go buy some new clothes and scrapbook with some new paper, cuz hey it's mother's day weekend and I deserve it.

So kick back relax and join me in a wonderful Mother's Day weekend:
My plans:
1.) Buy a Frappachino from Starbucks
2.) Buy new clothes
3.) Scrapbook with new paper and embellishments


Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly.

The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:
June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds
July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds
July 14-18 12-17 year olds
more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

Upcoming Events:

Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM
Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM
Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM
Crop Night - Friday, May 30th 7PM

On the REAL!

I have finally decided that banning blogger might not be a great idea, but I did consider it for a moment, but then I thought - I would be letting down millions of blog reading fans if I stopped posting. Ah, well! LOL

So, I have to motivate you mid-week, give you a technique, tell ya' some wacky stuff and give you a tip:

Motivation is hard, especially since I can't even get my lazy butt up after this weekend, so here it goes. Listen to this song, Get Up Offa That Thang by James Brown and then get into those craft spaces and start getting organized. I know you are finished with all those photos right!!!! Even if you aren't, organizing your craft space won't hurt. In my past life I was a professional organizer so here are some of my secrets ... I don't have any, no just joking ...

Grab some boxes and label them with categories of items that are in your craft space. Include with this a box for trash and give away. (P.S. we are having a huge swap at Girls Gone Crafty if you want to save this box til then) Start in your space from left to right and back to front and begin placing items in the boxes. After you are done with this step, give it a real good cleaning and then decide where you will be storing everything and in what. Section your space into homes or centers and start filling it up with the items from your boxes. Keep your everyday use items nearby, while your once in awhile items can be put up and away. Hopefully this will help a little and start you on the road to creative organization.

As far as a technique, I've alway been a fan of diamond glaze or glossy accents and of course I'm sure you've seen the crackle one as well. This weekend I learned a new technique from a "sister". After crackling something, rub ink into the cracks and wipe the excess away. After some thought I started to think about paint, glitter, alcohol ink and the ideas are endless.

Wacky you say, well my week has definitely been wacky. My daughter now likes to polish her nails and is obsessed. I don't do nails. I really never have, but I probably should b/c my nails are horrible and please when you see me be kind and don't stare at them. I bought her polish anyway and now we have to do a different color everyday and she goes around showing everyone how pretty she is. I guess this is not the end of an era.

Here's your tip: Throw out the old scrapbook magazines. Tear out only what interest you and make a creative journal out of them by placing them in a journal and then decorating the front much like this one here done by messyhappyfundee from SisTV:
I like to pull from my journal when I've hit a creative block.
Girls Gone Crafty still has available spots and now has it's own blog with info being posted weekly.
The dates for Kids Gone Crafty are as follows:
June 16-20 - 5-9 year olds
July 7-11 - 9-12 year olds
July 14-18 12-17 year olds
more info will be posted soon and a blog for that will go up as well.

National Scrapbook Day was awesome and very busy. Thanks to all who helped and participated. We are definitely having another one next year, but hopefully even bigger.

Don't forget about Teachers & Moms this week!!!

Upcoming Events:

Mother & Child Crop - Saturday, May 10th 11AM

Mom's Night Out - Saturday, May 10th 6PM

Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM

Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM

Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM

Crop Night - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Motivating Monday

Okay, may I just say blogger is losing it's mind and I'm losing my religion. I have posted 5 times, okay 5 times for Monday & Tuesday's daily and it is not posting. What is the problem here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had this really great post for both days and now they are lost in cyber space, ugh! I'll try to post it yet again later! And I betcha bottom dollar that this post will publish - that figures what a waste of your time - huh!

Anyway, we are giving out a wonderful discount to all school employees in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week til the 10th for 25% off your entire purchase. I know not a whole lot, but I hope you "appreciate" the gesture.

Don't forget about MOM!!!! either.

Upcoming Events:

Mother & Child Crop - Saturday, May 10th 11AM
Mom's Night Out - Saturday, May 10th 6PM
Crop Night - Friday, May 16th 7PM
Scrap Metal - Saturday, May 17th 12PM
Scrap Challenge - Tuesday, May 20th 6PM
Crop Night - Friday, May 30th 7PM

Sign up for any classes or crops online beneath the calendar.

Frappachino Friday

So, this week has been a long week, but I'm really proud of myself. I got through it, I graduated to wearing Big Girl Panties! And I didn't once have to call Kelly to cry. LOL.

I have been working on so many projects, most of them at the same time (which helps a lot with my ADD), but so far one of my faves thus far is making drawstring bags out of old t-shirts my boys no longer fit, such as:

Isn't that cool, lovin' the "Green" Trend! So go into those closets and reduce, reuse, recycle.

Don't forget we still have spots open for our National Scrapbook Day on Saturday. Register right here online. View the National Scrapbook Day Post for full details.

Tippin' Thursday

So, here's my tip:

This came from a customer of ours, Re Henderson. Lots of times we find ourselves a little overwhelmed with the several pieces of paper, embellishments and photos. What better way to keep your scrapping focused and not lose a special paper you bought for that picture of "him" at the zoo making faces at the monkeys than to keep it all in one place. Either use your clear page protectors or ziploc bags to store all the items you had planned on using for that photo. So each time you shop and see that perfect chipboard piece for a page you had in mind - bring it home and put it all together for that next crop.

Don't forget we still have spots open for our National Scrapbook Day on Saturday. Register right here online. View the National Scrapbook Day Post for full details.